


最近在巴士roadshow看到了一段政府的宣傳短片,片名為綠色香港 我鍾意!一看便覺得很有問題。


小朋友A: 我想留住我們的冬天!
小朋友B: 我愛綠色!
小朋友C: (日語) 我鍾意藍色的天空!
小朋友D: (德語) 我想北極熊開開心心!
旁白: 無論身處任何一個角落,我們都希望有好的環境
小朋友 A: 綠色香港,我鍾意!



第二個問題出在如何表達主題。短片題目是「綠色香港,我鍾意!」,但我相信這段短片反而是想宣傳Stop Global Warming,否則我真想不到北極熊開心與否,冬天下雪不下雪與「綠色香港」有什麼關係。反正香港的冬天從不下雪(touchwood!)。



Fascination on the butterfly and the flower

From a song I've started to learn written by Faurè, my fascination goes wild.

The butterfly and the flower
a poem by Victor Hugo

The poor flower said to the celestial butterfly: "Don’t fly away!
See how different our destinies are;
I remain here, you are free to go!
And yet we love each other, we live without human beings and far from them!
And we resemble each other and they say
we are both flowers!
But, alas, the air carries you away, and the earth keeps me chained
cruel fate!
I would like to perfume your flight with my breath, in the sky!
But no, you are going too far off, among flowers without number, you flee!
And I remain alone watching my shadow turn at my feet!
You fly away, then you return, and you go still again to gleam elsewhere!
Thus you always find me at each dawn bathed in tears!
Ah, so that our love may stay faithful through the days,
o my king,
Take root like me or give me wings like you!"

My dear flower:
Don’t be silly. Open you eyes widely and you’ll recognize, although both are living under the same sky, a flower can never pair with a butterfly, because their nature is totally different. Butterflies never yearn on the same flower. Even although it might go and come back to you again, it’s only because you still have the nectar that it needs to suck up, or just a place to rest temporarily. then it will, yes, gleams elsewhere, and flies away.
It is their instinct, it’s not love, my dear. So why bother and suffer? Safe your perfume, safe your tears, safe your love.